Thursday, April 27, 2023

10-NTRCA Written Exam Preparation Lecturer ICT বিষয়- কম্পিউটার বিজ্ঞান (Computer Science- 431) Unit-10

  10: Artificial Intelligence Overview of AI

Al Programming Language: prolog, environment types, agent types, agent model, reactive agents;

Perception: neurons biological and artificial, perceptron learning, general search, local searches hill climbing. simulated annealing, constraint satisfaction problems. Genetic algorithm,

Game Theory: motivation, minimax search, resource limits and heuristic evaluation, a-ẞ pruning, stochastic games, partially observable games,

Neural Networks: multi-layer neural networks,

Machine Learning: supervised learning, decision trees, reinforcement learning, general concepts of

knowledge, knowledge representation

Prolog is a logic programming language that is based on formal logic and provides a declarative approach to programming. It is often used in artificial intelligence and natural language processing applications. Here are some key concepts related to Prolog:

Environment types: Prolog is typically used in environments that involve searching through large amounts of data or knowledge bases, such as expert systems, decision support systems, and natural language processing systems.

Agent types: Prolog can be used to implement a variety of different types of agents, including rule-based agents, learning agents, and reactive agents.

Agent model: In Prolog, an agent is typically modeled as a set of rules and facts that define its behavior and knowledge. The agent interacts with its environment by querying and updating a knowledge base, and by performing actions based on its rules.

Reactive agents: Reactive agents are a type of agent that responds to changes in their environment in real-time. In Prolog, reactive agents can be implemented using event-driven programming techniques, such as the use of assert and retract predicates to modify the agent's knowledge base in response to external events.

Overall, Prolog is a powerful tool for building intelligent systems and agents that can reason and learn from data. Its declarative syntax and logical foundations make it well-suited for many applications in artificial intelligence and natural language processing.

Perception is the process of interpreting sensory information from the environment. Here are some key concepts related to perception and related algorithms:

Neurons biological and artificial: Neurons are specialized cells that transmit information in the brain and nervous system. In artificial intelligence, artificial neurons are modeled based on biological neurons and used in neural networks for tasks such as pattern recognition and classification.

Perceptron learning: The perceptron is a simple algorithm for supervised learning of binary classifiers. It is based on a single-layer neural network and uses a linear threshold function to classify input patterns.

General search: General search algorithms are used to find solutions to problems by systematically exploring a search space. Examples of general search algorithms include breadth-first search and depth-first search.

Local searches hill climbing: Local search algorithms are used to find solutions to optimization problems by iteratively improving a candidate solution. Hill climbing is a type of local search algorithm that moves to the best neighboring solution in each iteration until a local optimum is reached.

Simulated annealing: Simulated annealing is a probabilistic optimization algorithm that uses a temperature parameter to control the probability of accepting a worse solution during the search process. It is often used to find global optima in complex search spaces.

Constraint satisfaction problems: Constraint satisfaction problems involve finding a solution that satisfies a set of constraints. They are often modeled as a search problem, where the goal is to find a feasible solution that satisfies all constraints.

Genetic algorithm: Genetic algorithms are a type of optimization algorithm that is inspired by the process of natural selection. They use a population of candidate solutions that are randomly generated and iteratively evolved through selection, mutation, and crossover operations to find a global optimum.

Overall, these algorithms and concepts are used in various areas of artificial intelligence, including machine learning, optimization, and search problems.

Game theory is a mathematical framework used to analyze decision-making in situations where multiple players have conflicting interests. It is used in a wide range of fields, including economics, political science, psychology, and computer science.

One of the fundamental concepts in game theory is the idea of a payoff matrix, which represents the possible outcomes of a game for each player based on the actions they take. The goal of each player is to maximize their own payoff, and the strategy they choose depends on the strategies of the other players.

In order to analyze games, several techniques are used, such as minimax search, resource limits and heuristic evaluation, alpha-beta pruning, stochastic games, and partially observable games. Let's briefly discuss each of these techniques:

Minimax search: This is a search algorithm used to determine the best move for a player assuming that the other players are also playing optimally. The algorithm works by exploring the game tree to a certain depth and then evaluating the resulting states using a heuristic function.

Resource limits and heuristic evaluation: These techniques are used to deal with the computational complexity of game analysis. Resource limits refer to limiting the number of nodes in the game tree that are explored, while heuristic evaluation involves estimating the value of a state without actually exploring all of its possible outcomes.

Alpha-beta pruning: This is an optimization technique used to reduce the number of nodes that need to be explored in a minimax search. The algorithm works by pruning branches of the game tree that are guaranteed to lead to worse outcomes than other branches that have already been explored.

Stochastic games: These are games where chance plays a role in determining the outcome. These games are analyzed using techniques such as Markov decision processes, which model the probabilities of different outcomes based on the current state of the game.

Partially observable games: These are games where players do not have complete information about the state of the game. These games are analyzed using techniques such as Bayesian networks, which allow players to update their beliefs about the state of the game based on the actions of other players.

Overall, game theory provides a powerful framework for analyzing decision-making in situations where multiple players have conflicting interests, and the techniques discussed above are just a few examples of the tools that can be used to analyze games in different contexts.

Neural networks are a type of machine learning algorithm that are inspired by the structure and function of the human brain. They are composed of interconnected nodes or neurons that process information and make predictions.

One of the most common types of neural networks is the multi-layer neural network, also known as the deep neural network. These networks consist of multiple layers of interconnected neurons, with each layer processing information at a different level of abstraction.

The first layer of a multi-layer neural network is the input layer, which receives the raw data and passes it to the first hidden layer. Each neuron in the hidden layer receives inputs from the previous layer, processes the information using an activation function, and passes the result to the next layer. The final layer is the output layer, which produces the network's prediction based on the inputs it has received.

The process of training a multi-layer neural network involves adjusting the weights of the connections between the neurons to minimize the difference between the network's predictions and the actual outputs. This is typically done using an algorithm called backpropagation, which propagates the error backwards through the network and adjusts the weights accordingly.

Multi-layer neural networks have been used in a wide range of applications, including image and speech recognition, natural language processing, and game playing. They are particularly effective in tasks where the data has a complex structure or where there are multiple layers of abstraction involved in making predictions. However, they can also be computationally intensive and require a large amount of data for training.

Machine learning is a subfield of artificial intelligence that focuses on developing algorithms and models that can learn from data and make predictions or decisions based on that learning. It is used in a wide range of applications, including natural language processing, image and speech recognition, and autonomous vehicles.

There are several types of machine learning, including supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning. Let's briefly discuss each of these types:

Supervised learning: This is a type of machine learning where the algorithm is trained on a labeled dataset, where each example is associated with a target output. The algorithm learns to map inputs to outputs by adjusting the parameters of a model until it produces accurate predictions on new, unseen data.

Unsupervised learning: This is a type of machine learning where the algorithm is trained on an unlabeled dataset, and its goal is to discover patterns or structure in the data without explicit supervision. Clustering and dimensionality reduction are examples of unsupervised learning techniques.

Reinforcement learning: This is a type of machine learning where the algorithm learns to make decisions by interacting with an environment and receiving feedback in the form of rewards or punishments. The goal is to maximize the cumulative reward over a sequence of actions.

Decision trees are a type of model used in supervised learning, which represents a sequence of decisions and their possible outcomes. Each decision node in the tree represents a question, and each leaf node represents a decision or a prediction.

In general, machine learning algorithms rely on knowledge representation to encode the information they learn from data. Knowledge representation is the process of transforming information into a format that can be used by a machine learning algorithm. This can involve representing data in the form of vectors or matrices, or encoding rules or logical relationships between different pieces of information.

Overall, machine learning provides a powerful set of tools for learning from data and making predictions or decisions based on that learning. The type of machine learning algorithm used depends on the nature of the data and the task at hand, and the process of knowledge representation is a key component of developing effective machine learning models.


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