বিদ্রঃ এই ধরনের প্যারাগ্রাফ সকলের জন্য নই সুতরাং আপনার এটা ব্যবহারে সতর্ক হবেন
Topic #01 Pragraph Writing (অনুচ্ছেদ লিখন)
Paragraph সম্পর্কিত কিছু পরামর্শ:
একটি Paragraph
এ মূলত ৩টি part
বা অংশ থাকে। মনে রাখা জরুরী, এই তিনটি part
এর সমন্বয় ঘটিতে একটি Paragraph
উপস্থাপন করতে হবে।
1. Title Part
(introduction) শুরুতে Paragraph
সম্পর্কিত ভূমিকা উপস্থাপন।
2. Body Part
(information) - Title এর supporting
আলোচনা এই অংশে হয়ে থাকে।
3. Ending Part (ঘটনার
ending থাকলে
দিতে হবে)
মাত্র ৩টি Format
দিয়ে ৬০টি Paragraph
Topics Name:
The following Issues
Topic Name বাংলা অর্থ
01. Discipline শৃঙ্খলা
02. Perseverance সততা
03. Character | চরিত্র
04. Honesty সততা
05. Industry পরিশ্র
06. Good manners ভাল আচরণ
07. Truthfulness সত্যবাদিতা
08. Education শিক্ষা
09. Tolerance সহনশীলতা
10. Ambition উচ্চাকাঙ্ক্ষা
11. Dignity of lobor শ্রমের মর্যাদা
12. Modesty বিনয়; ভদ্রতা
13. Moral courage নৈতিক সাহস
14. Self-reliance আত্ম-নির্ভরশীলতা
15. Punctuality সময়ানুবর্তিতা
16. Unity একতা
17. Knowledge জ্ঞান
18. Integrity সততা
19. Confidence আত্মবিশ্বাস
উপরোক্ত ২০টি Paragraph
এর জন্য Paragraph
Format 01 মুখস্থ
Paragraph Format # 01
success and improvement of human beings depend on the maintaining of----------------
It plays an important role in getting success in life and it has significance as
well as the power to make one successful. Man is a social being. In society, he
can not do whatever he wishes. He must conform to certain rules and
regulations. Without it, there is no peace and happiness in personal life, family
life, social life, and national life. It is the most precious thing in every
step of our life. The man who achieves
this great virtue will acquire his due respect in life here and hereafter. It
is nothing but an inner matter. But it has a great need to make one's life
successful. It is preferable to wealth. One may have much wealth, but he may be
bated and disliked because of the absence of -----------------If we do not make
the right use of------------------ at the right time and at the right place, we
have to repent not to active It. Therefore, we have to suffer in the long run.
We should try our level best to obey the rule it of this virtue.
The following Issues
Topics Name বাংলা
01. Traffic Jam যানজট
02. Road accident সড়ক
03. Load shedding বিদ্যুৎ বিভ্রাট
04. Climate Change জলবায়ু পরিবর্তন
05. Terrorism সন্ত্রাসবাদ
06. Deforestation বন
07. Environment pollution পরিবেশ
08. Greenhouse effect গ্রীনহাউজের
09. Dangers of smoking | ধূমপানের
10. Air pollution বায়ু
11. Water pollution পানি
12. Sound pollution শব্দ দূষণ
13. Political Instability রাজনৈতিক
14. Corruption দূর্নীতি
15. Drug addiction মাদকাসক্তি
16. Hartal/strike হরতাল/ধর্মঘট
17. Dowry System যৌতুক প্রথা
18. Street beggar পথের
19. Child labor in
Bangladesh বাংলাদেশের শিশু শ্রম
20. AIDS : A Fatal
disease প্রাণঘাতি
বা মারাত্মক রোগ
Paragraph Format #02
making people concerned all over the world now a days. It also adds an extra
anxiety for the mass people of the third world countries like Bangladesh. It is
dangerous and harmful to our life. It is a shameful and disgraceful matter for
our nation. We cannot lead normal life because of this problem. Almost every
day we read and hear news and views about it in the daily newspapers, on the
Internet, radio, and on television. The causes of---------------- are the
negligence and carelessness of some senseless and imprudent people. Government
should address the problem shortly with a view to building up a better nation
and a better future for its citizens, as well as building up a better world to
make it livable. In developed countries, this kind of problem is very rare and
unusual. But in developing countries like Bangladesh, the effects of this
are devastating. We are not aware of taking proper steps and measures to remove it from our country. We should realize that it spoils our peace and happiness
and ruins the normal ways of our living, People should help the government to
tackle this crucial issue in no time. This should be resolved as soon as
possible to have a prosperous nation.
The following Issues
Topics Name বাংলা
01. Buying books বই
102. Reading বই
03. Writing poem কবিতা
04. Singing song গান
05. Keeping a diary ডায়েরী লেখা
06. Catching fish মাছ
07. Jogging ব্যায়াম
08. About race দৌড়ানো
09. Collecting stamps স্টাম্প
10. Travelling ভ্রমণ
11. Swimming সাঁতার
12. Gardening বাগান
13. Fishing মাছ
14. Boating নৌকা
15. Playing chess দাবা
16. Writing letter চিঠি
17. Painting ছবি
18. Dancing নৃত্য
19. Flying kites ঘুড়ি
20. Amusement প্রমোদ
Paragraph Format # 03
is an interesting and enjoyable habit for our conventional and monotonous life.
By this kind of habit, we can get rid of our boring life. Everyone should have
any kind of hobby. {..........) is the shadow of life which gives us much
amusement. It can be part and parcel of education and entertainment. Someone
uses it for passing time only. (……..) causes some problems sometimes if we are
not careful (..........) refreshes us not only physically but also mentally. To
put it briefly, we should have any sort of leisure pursuit which can be
entertaining and learning for us.
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